Svia tlana Knyshe vich Junior BI, SQL -developer Ready to utiliz e my pr actical skills str aight away and de velop in an y w ay y our compan y c onsider s promising. sv e tlanaknishe vich@gmail.c om +375445558751 E duca tion Project M anagemen t AT - Academ y Minsk From M ay 2022 t o A ugust 2022 Python pr ogr amming: initial le vel B elhar d academ y Minsk From M arch 2022 to M ay 2022 B usiness I ntellig ence IT A cadem y Minsk From N ovember 2021 to January 2022 Lo gistics ec onomist Belorussian N ational Technical U niversity Minsk From F ebruary 2012 to A ugust 2013 D oct or's degr ee Belorussian S tate M edical U niversity M insk From S ep tember 2005 to June 2011 S kills SQL Pow er BI, Tableau, Q likVie w Python GitH ub Waterf all, Agile: S crum, Kanban, S AFe, N exus, EX, Less. Jir a, C on Wro te c omple x SQL queries using c omplex joins, gr ouping, ag grega tion, nest ed subqueries Experienc e using Tableau,P ow er BI, Q likVie w for reporting and dashboar ding. In the Tableau we did our projects on the f ollowing t opics: B ike S ales in E urope Coun tries and S ample Superstor e - S ales P erformanc e. Branching oper ator s (if , elif , else ); Cycles f or, while; P rinciples OOP; The conc ept o f class and cr eating a class and else Basic c oncepts tha t are used when working with Git; Ignoring F iles and Direct ories with .gitignor e; Commands; C on models include G it Micr oso ft Ex cel, P ow er Poin t NoSQL databases A ft er suc cessful • mee ting the needs o f all pr oject participan ts • achieve the se t goals • c omply with the r equiremen ts for the quality of r esults • c omple tion of the pr oject on time and within the budget W ork e xperienc e Analy st BNB-bank Minsk August 2023 regular monit oring and manag ement reporting on imlemen tation for ecasting the prepar ation o f c on ten ts ( reports, pr esentations ) for mee tings inter action with State authorities, institutions, banks on issues da ta aut omation Analy st Priv ate c ompan y Minsk From S ep tember 2013 to January 2022 I had experienc e in data collection, analy sis and graphical represen tation. I made weekly , moun thly and annual reports. E very day I c ollect ed data, which was then put in to the nec essary progr ams. This da ta was then uploaded t o Excel and analyz ed. Based on the analy sis, presentations wer e cr eated in P ow er Poin t. W hen analyzing the da ta the regularities and c onnections between the e ven ts wer e sear chered. Also engag ed in for ecasting using Ex cel. O ften I had t o do the job in a very short period o f time. Work e xperienc e Teacher of f aculty BSMU M insk From J uly 2011 to A ugust 2013 I taugh t studen ts the basics o f sta tictical analy sis, construction o f visualiza tions and me thods of da ta analy sis. We participa ted with studen ts in scienti used for da ta analy sis. Languag es English R ussian B2 in pr ogr ess Nativ e Other skills Analytical thinking Ex cellen t interper sonal and c ommunication skills Ability to work e ffectiv ely with strict deadlines C uriosity and willingness t o learn Responsobility and atten tion t o details Additional educa tion Wha t Is S crum ? Linkedin L earning Online July 2022 Char acteristics o f a G rea t S crum M aster Link edin L earning Online July 2022 Project M anagemen t Founda tions: R equiremen ts Linkedin L earning Online July 2022 The basics o f sta tistics Bioin forma tics institut e Online August 2022 Python: c ourse f or beginner s Stepic FEFU F rom M arch 2022 to A pril 2022 In ter activ e w ork out machine b y SQL S tepic FEFU F rom F ebruary 2022 to M arch 2022 Python D ata S tructur es Solo L earn Minsk May 2022 Python f or Beginner s Solo L earn Minsk May 2022 C our sre SQL Solo Learn M insk From N ovember 2021 to D ec ember 2021 Basic c ourse o f Q likVie w Udem y Online From F ebruary 2022 to M arch 2022 Social ne tworks In ter ests Cycling R eading, baking, knitting @s ve tlana-knishe vich-29
26 июля, 2023
54 года ( 4 декабря 2024)
27 сентября, 2016
54 года (24 марта 1970)
28 апреля, 2019
29 лет (20 января 1995)