Java разработчик
Aliaksandr Zdzita v ets Java Developer & AWS Certified Developer Java developer with 4+ years of experience in creating web applications, optimizing queries, creating business logic, supporting old features and creating new ones. I have experience in teamwork and independent development as a developer. Easy to communicate, hardworking, responsible, friendly. Poland, Warsaw - zdzitavets @sanin17619 WORK E X PERIENCE Senior Software Engineer Visa 02/2024 – Present - C reating of new services in the Risk Team. - C reation of business logic features . - B ug fixes . - W orking with AWS services . Software Engineer Capital .com 01 / 20 23 – 01/2024 - Creating new functions for clients who trade in this CFD platform. - Support for old functions and bug fixes. - L3 customer support. - Creating and maintaining metrics to quickly identify problems. Java Developer Innowise Group 0 8 / 20 20 – 12/2022 - C reating services from scratch . - Creating architecture . - C reation of business logic features - B ug fixes . - Configuring services before using them . - W orking with AWS services . - Q uery optimization . - S etting up and creating metrics . TECHNICAL SKILLS - Java (8, 11, 17) - Scala - Spring Boot - Spring WebFlux - Spring Data - Spring Security - Hibernate - JPA - Flyway - GWT - HTML - CSS - Docker - Kubernetes - Keycloak - MongoDB - Oracle - PostgreSQL - Redis - Git - SVN - gRPC - Kafka - CI/CD - AWS - Scrum CERTIFICATES & COURSES AW S C e r t i f i e d C l o u d P r a c t i t i o n e r AW S C e r t i f i e d D e v e l o p e r – Associate EDUCATION Bachelor in Information Tech nology University of Polotsk, Belarus 2017 - 2021 LANGUAGES Russian (Native) English (Fluent )
27 июля, 2016
33 года (15 июня 1991)
7 августа, 2016
31 год (17 июня 1993)
21 августа, 2016
40 лет (22 мая 1984)