Software Testing Engineer
Нина Николаевна
34 года (28 Сентября 1990)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
12 лет 2 месяца
Информационные технологии / IT / Интернет
1) Requirements Analysis
2) Provide estimation
2) Test Cases Development
3) Functional testing
4) Bags report creation
Высшее (Специалист)
преподаватель французского языка и литературы, английского языка.
Полоцк, 2008 — 2013 гг.
Английский — Разговорный
I has theoretical knowledge about such approaches as Regression Testing, Exploratory/Ad-hoc, Domain/Function Testing, Risk Based Testing; Levels (Smoke, Critical path, Extended); has practical experience in all listed items; performs deep testing based on domain specificity of product (clarifies questions, investigates business logic, makes proposals how to improve application). I has theoretical knowledge and practical experience in Compatibility Testing, GUI Testing, Usability Testing, Integration Testing, Localization Testing. I have experience in replacing test lead during lead's absence. I'm a contact person from EPAM side for customer. Due this time my responsibilities are: Distribution of daily tasks for the team. Providing answers to questions (from customer's side). Communication by e-mail with customer (new tasks, new priorities, new issues). Reviewing of team members work. Creating a daily status report (test activities, issues, failed/blocked reason). Creating a QA daily Status Report. Managing QA group (coordination/supervision). I have experience in coordination of the team of 2-4 people for 4 month. My responsibilities are: Distribution of short-term and long-term tasks for the team. Reviewing test cases. Investigating bugs. Analyzing test results. Gathering daily status report from all team members. Creating a QA daily Status Report, sent it to Team Lead. I'm able to work with multiple tasks, to switch between tasks/strims/activities. We have 3 steams, and while performing tasks on one stream it is often can be required to switch to another stream and I'm able to do this quickly, with no delays and with minimal questions on what to do. Attentive to details, persistent, diligent approach to tasks, analyzing approach to work. My English level is A2+
1 июня, 2015
25 000 руб
38 лет (28 декабря 1986)
Опыт работы:
2 года и 5 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Тестировщик, StartUP
04.2011 - 09.2013
23 декабря, 2014
48 лет ( 8 мая 1976)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
24 октября, 2015
Минск local_shipping
41 год (25 декабря 1983)
Опыт работы:
12 лет и 1 месяц
Последнее место работы:
Software Testing Engineer, Проект Real Helpful Club, Draytus ltd.
08.2015 - по текущее время
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