Frontend разработчик
Hello! I'm Akavity Mikhail I have a diploma of graduation from the university, closed debts for budget education and military service. I have 2 years experience as an engineer. During this time, I took a front-end course, where I studied various technologies and participated in educational projects. I also learned how to work in a team and do a lot of work in a short amount of time. Github: Email: mikeil.ak Tel: +375292260257 Age: 24 S tatus: Looking for a new job As a programmer, I am just starting this journey from the position of front-end developer. Front-end development Code review I am a quick learner and have skills like: A ls o I h ave s o m e e x p erie n ce w it h W ebpack SCSS Figma React.js Node.js Git My ser vices My skills JavaScript TypeScript HTML CSS Stu d en t Belarusian S tate Univercity (BSU) (3 years 10 months) While i studied at BSU, I took courses in physics, mathematics, programming, probability theory, classes in the specialty 'Radiophysics', and a number of humanities. At the end of the university I got a degree in radiophysics. Fro nt- e n d s c h o ol ( s tu d en t) RSSchool (9 months) At the time of the the course, I completed the tasks of developing applications according to the layout from Figma, on-page applications (SP A), working with the server (Web API), working in a team. As a result of the course, a certificate was received. En g en eer INTEGRAL (1 year 9 months) My duties as a design engineer include the development, modification, coordination of design and technological documentation. Feel free to contact anyone from this list of my former colleagues or mentors to get testimonial about me as a developer and team member D zim it r y L v o u Front-end developer, mentor at RSSchool Email: lv oudzimitr My education My exper ience Testimonials
26 июля, 2023
54 года (27 ноября 2024)
10 июля, 2016
31 год ( 6 августа 1993)
17 июля, 2016
59 лет (22 мая 1965)