Junior Front End Developer (React)
Mail : ivan .lau renau@g mail.com
Phon e: +375 (25 ) 542-3 4-75
Link edIn : link edin .com/in /ivan-laurenau
G itH ub: g ith ub.c om/Vani lStorm
L a ure na u Iv a n
T ypeScript
R eact
Functional progr amming
C SS-preprocessor : SCSS
B EM methodology
H ooks, HOC, Rout es, Component li fe
R ed ux-th unk
Gra phQL
L ib rarie s: MaterialUI,
M at erial izeCSS, UUID, PropTypes
E xp erien ce with WebPack
Too lbox: MacOS, Terminal, VScod e
3rd year student in Belarusian S tate University, faculty of economics
M ore than one an d a half years o f front-end development experience.
2 .5 months of pr oduction experie nce
Confident knowle dge of JavaScript and TypeScript
Good experience in working with project documentation (plans,
s pecifications, etc)
E xperience worki ng under Agile, Kanban methodologies
Self-motivated, takes the initia tive to work independently
Spoken languages : English – B1
S U M MARYW ORK E X PER IE N CECO M PA N Y " S C A N DIW EB " | 2 ,5 M ONTH S | F EB RU A RY - A PRIL 2 0 22 P roject: Online store
Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS(SCSS), GraphQL, Magento, PHP,
S ervice Worker, Docker
Position: React Developer
Project description: An online store built on the basis of ScandiPWA,
C lient-Side-Rendered (CSR) Single Page Application (SPA) with
P rogressive Web Application (PWA) capabilities, built with React in
M osaic Architecture.
Details: During this project I adding new and correcting old logic,
m aintaining up-to-date code , creating new features, supporting
d ifferent devices, manual bug-finding, bug-fixing, took part in daily
s tand-ups, we discussed the tas ks and found out the details.
CO URSE R S S C HO OL " E P A M " | 6 M ONTH S | F EB RU A RY - J U LY 2 0 21 Projects:
Details: A small game in which you can test your reaction
S tack: JavaScript, Html, CSS
GitHub - https://github.com/Van ilStorm/aimGame
D etails: An app in which you can learn English by clicking on pictures
a nd playing a sound
Stack: JavaScript, Html, Css
GitHub: https://github.com/Vani lStorm/forEng/tree/main/srcForEng
D etails: During the course, I learned more about the front-end, worked
w ith async/await, promises and learned about OOP and much more. I also
l earned the rules of writing code, started development using webpack
a nd typescript. I also conscientiously completed tasks, which allowed
m e to enter the top 100 in the course.
1 . Aim Game:
2. English for kids:
IN DEP EN DEN TL Y S TU DIE D FR O NT-E N D | O CTO BER 2 0 20 - T IL L N O W Projects:
Details: An app in which you can learn about any word its meaning and
p ronunciation
Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux , API, MaterializeCSS
G itHub - https://github.com/Van ilStorm/Satellite
D etails: The application is de signed as an online store where you can
a dd products to the cart, ch ange their quantity, dеlеtеthem, change
t he currency, open a card and c reate an order
S tack: JavaScript, React, Redux , GraphQL, module CSS
GitHub: https://github.com/Vani lStorm/forEng/tree/main/srcForEng
D etails: I studi ed React on my own , mastered the principles of
f unctional programming, studied hooks, the component lifecycle, learned
h ow to build the application architecture correctly, learned how to
i mplement various libraries at the development stage, also
i ndependently studied TypeScript, deepened into understanding
1. Dictionary:
2. Online store :
10 ноября, 2016
36 лет ( 4 января 1989)
19 ноября, 2016
35 лет ( 8 апреля 1989)
14 сентября, 2016
36 лет (21 апреля 1988)