Python Developer
1 000 руб
31 год (29 Мая 1993)
Возможен переезд в другой город
Полная занятость
3 месяца
Информационные технологии / IT / Интернет
The internship involved the development and implementation of a website for the sale / rent of housing and apartments. For the implementation of this project, the following were chosen: front part - React, back part - Django rest framework. To speed up development, it was decided to use Material UI, as well as React-leaflet to implement the map. The use of React-leaflet also made it possible to use polygons on the map to highlight areas of the city. The interaction between the front and back parts was implemented thanks to the AXIOS libraries (Javascript) and django cors headers (required for data exchange between application servers).
Специальность: Полиграфическое оборудование и системы обработки информации
Минск, 2013 — 2018 гг.
Complete development Bootcamp
Complete Python course
Python development
It-Academy (Python Web development)
Английский — Разговорный
Hello! My name is Eugene and I'm young Python developer! I'm ended some courses on Udemy platform (like complete course of python and web development bootcamp). I'm studied in It-Academy on profile 'python development'. I really enjoy of programming and i moving forward, learning new and new technologies, such as Redis, docker, React. And I do not forget about the development of existing skills, constantly improving my knowledge in the field of python, Django, expanding my knowledge in the field of design patterns and OOP Programming inspires me to create something new and awesome!
26 октября, 2022
60 000 руб
Минск local_shipping
33 года (20 февраля 1991)
Опыт работы:
3 года и 4 месяца
Последнее место работы:
Frontend developer, ООО "clickyourhome"
09.2021 - по текущее время
15 декабря, 2015
10 декабря, 2023
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