Frontend developer (Vue.js)( Aston )
softensity .co , Anastasiya Charnaha re aa 3 + years of experience ○ Experience in developing rReact, Vue, JavaScript projects ○ Excellent co , ,unication s rkills, both written and verbal with the ability r to co , ,unicate co ,plex t rechnical concepts to any audience r ○ Able to handle ,ultiple tasks r, prioritize and ,eet d readlines ○ Self -organized, punctual, attenti rve to detail, focused on r results ○ Easily dive in new tech rnologies and i ,prove the knowledge of those rI have already known Core co ,petencies JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Vue, Vuex, Nodejs, Technical skills Programming languag res:: JavaScript, TypeScript Web technologies an rd Frameworks:: HTML5, CSS3, React, Redux, SVG, Vue, Vuex, Node.js Version control syst rems:: GIT, GitHub App lication De aelo pment Systems:: Visual Studio Code OS plat forms:: Windows, Linux Education Educational Center for r Progra , ,ing and High Tech "IT - Acade ,y" Software develop ,ent Minsk State Linguistic r University Bachelor of Arts in School of Translation and Interpret ring Certificates Educational Center for r Progra , ,ing and High Tech "IT - Acade ,y" -“Web develop ,ent using React r, Angular ” Educational Center for Progra , ,ing and High Tech "IT - Acade ,y" -“Web -application develop ,ent in r JavaScript " Educational Center for rProgra , ,ing and High Tech "IT - Acade ,y" -“Website develop ,ent with r HTML, CSS & JavaScript" softensity .co , Recent and ,ajor projects r Project # 1: brisance .de a Stack : Vue.js, Lodash, Bootstrap 4, Node.JS, Mongo DB, Jest, EJS, Axios Role : Software engineer Achieve ,ents : ○ Participation in project r tea , ,eetings and task s rcheduling ○ Developed powerful reusable rco ,ponents that can be l reveraged across UIs ○ Developed dyna ,ic, vibrant us rer interfaces to fos rter application ’s s ,ooth operation ○ Refactored old codebase t ro reduce co ,plexity while r providing a bet ter flexibility and code reuse ○ Created and executed unit r test cases and contri rbuted to test auto ,atio rn Pro ject # 2: Vet clinics Stack : CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Axios, Mongo DB, Node.js Role : Software engineer Achieve ,ents : ○ Was in charge of all the de rcisions related to the r project 's evolution and further r develop ,ent ○ Developed a set of reusab rle own library co ,ponen rts to si ,plify the wo rrk of the other engineers ○ Provided a better scalabili rty, ,aintainability and code readability ○ Participation in project r tea , ,eetings and task rschedulingSoftware engineer Project description: This application ia a prov rider of third -party ,ortgage loan proce rssing services and the r first -ever “Service Cloud ” for ,ortgage brokers. rIt offers the only enterpr rise -grade solution of its kind rin the ,ortgage brokerage r space. We ,lo 's third -party ,ortgage by providing ,e ,bers access to an all -inclusive pricing product r & eligibility engine wi rth wholesale lender on -boarding services, through r docu ,ent collection /verification, POS, CRM, e -closings, co ,pliance, and ,o rre, all in one place.processing service str rea ,lines the entire w rorkflow of the ,ortgage r transaction starting r Project description: This application allows us rers to rrange a visit r to a veterinarian. The users can take a look at their octor's appoint ,ent card histo rry, edit it. As well any user can fi rnd any appropriate infor ,ation r about vet clinics and ci rties, where the y are situated, their c rost of services. By the way, users have an access to r their pets ' ,edical cards and can get r infor ,ation about their r pets' health proble ,s at any ti r ,e. There are so ,e feature rs for looking through facilities r, etting so ,e optional rinfo r ,ation about vet clinic rs. In addition to it, the ad ,i rnistrators can easily rand conveniently add inf ror ,ation about new clinics, additional s rervices, for , ani ,als ' ,edical cards. Authorization syste , has r been developed or both us rers and ad ,inistrators. r softensity .co , Project # 3: Internet sho p Stack : HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, JS X, JSON, AJA X Role: Software engineer Project description : An internet shop that rsells Belarusian crafts and souve rnirs worldwide. You can filter and sort goods, view pro rducts categories and tags r, add products to the cart r, and checkout. You can also review all the r infor ,ation about your r order right on the w rebsite or receive it by e ,ail r. Achieve ,ents : ○ Constructed a ,odern f rrontend architecture w rithin React ○ Increased application 's perfor ,ance by conduct ring code refactoring an rd opti ,ization of the ex risting ,odules ○ Built reusable code for f ruture use Project # 4: Mobile Com panies Stack : HTML/CSS, React, JavaScript, JS X, d3.js, Redux Role: Software engineer Project description : A single -page application for getti rng infor ,ation about pho rne balance. There are several ,obile operators r and their clients. Each rclient 's a ,ount of phone balance can r be changed and the client r ,ay be blocked and unblocked. rSo does each ,obile operator. New clients can be a rdded and old ones can be d releted. The application builds and displays the sta rtistics of using each roperators, a ,ount of th r eir users, each user's activity in diagra ,s. Achieve ,ents : ○ Constructed a ,odern f rrontend architecture w rithin React ○ Developed reusable co ,ponen rts that can be leveraged a rcross UIs ○ W as in charge of all the de rcisions related to the r project 's evolution and further develop ,ent Project # 5: Game “Tennis " Stack : HTML, CSS, JS ON, AJAX, JavaScript Role: Software engineer description : A single -page application for playin rg tennis. Two players have their ow rn rackets. They can control the , with touche rs (if they use cell phones r, tablets and so on ), keyboards, ,ouse. They application re ,e ,ber rs players and counts the rir goals, displays everyt rhing in the record table.Fabulous ,usic acco ,panies th re ga ,e. Achieve ,ents : ○ Designed and i ,ple ,ented application arc rhitecture based on MVC rpattern ○ Fixed bugs and ,ade a support r ○ W as in charge of all the de rcisions related to the r project 's evolution and further r develop ,ent Hobbies Walking, Travelling (visited 13 countries ), Swi , ,ing Project
26 июля, 2023
54 года (24 ноября 2024)
10 июля, 2016
59 лет ( 5 февраля 1965)
11 июля, 2016
30 лет (17 сентября 1994)